Track Of The Day: GREENSHINE impress with new single “CORK”’

‘CORK’ tells the story of a day and night in the life of Ireland’s wonderful second city. The Lee plays centre stage with star turns by Páirc Uí Chaoimh, Naomhógs, Penneys, Echo Boys, Poets, The early bars and so much more.

Track Of The Day: Greenshines’s latest offering ‘CORK’ tells the story of a day and night in the life of Ireland’s wonderful second city.

When first written to commemorate the 40th Anniversary of Cork Folk Festival, several ‘Echo Boys’ could still be seen on the streets selling the city’s paper.

Now as the last remaining Echo Boy works his post outside the GPO, Greenshine are delighted to immortalise these mighty warriors who braved the wind and the rain to bring people the news.

‘CORK’ is an affectionate look at a lovely city, warts and all because, of course, no city is perfect.
To listen to the track you can head over to Greenshine’s Bandcamp page below
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