Track Of The Day: KATE DINEEN teams up with THE LION COLHOUN on new single ‘Easier In Time’

Kate Dineen and The Lion Colhoun are a musical duo whose recent collaboration  brings a fresh, emotive sound to the Irish indie music scene. Combining Kate Dineen’s poignant songwriting and evocative voice with 

The Lion Colhoun’s musical arrangements and intricate vocal harmonies, the duo creates catchy folk-pop tunes that you’ll be humming for days after.


Track Of The Day: Kate Dineen has just collaborated with The Lion Colhoun on new track ‘Easier in Time’. It’s an upbeat, catchy tune, that you will be humming long after it has finished

According to Dineen she says, Unlike the dramatic portrayals often seen on screen, this song captures the messy, unkempt nature of real grief. It’s a reflection from someone who’s been through breakups before, understanding that while time does heal, that knowledge doesn’t dull the immediate pain.

The track itself is a very catchy number you will be sure to be humming it long after it has finished. 

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