David Keenan unleashes haunting new video for Altar Wine

In this day and age very rarely does a video shock us but today we have been introduced to the brand new haunting  video from Dundalk singer songwriter David Keenan. 

The video is not only haunting but tells the tale of pain and trauma us humans live on a day to day basis.

According to David,

Altar Wine is a film exploring the exorcism and ultimate relief from the pain & trauma we have all endured as a result of our humanness. The ancestral trauma which was passed down to us by our elders, who were themselves victims. Victims of oppression, judgement and abuse. Altar wine is a film about the demonification of the feminine by religious institutions, the abuse of our planet by capitalism and the fear based trauma passed down through parents.’

David Keenan has just released the brand new single and video his track Alter Wine



The sculpting of this visual piece of work demanded that I face, head on all of said traumas and insecurities and repressions that lived in me since childhood. Art heals, that’s why I pursue it. It gives joys, insights and reliefs from the many madnesses that come and go.
It gifts purpose and connection, it reminds me that I am innately connected to the whole should isolation take hold.
I struggled for years in the unknowing of how to accept or express my feminine aspect. As a young man I felt the many stings of sensitivity when greeted with a conditioned societal sense of toxic masculinity which dogged and still dogs rural Ireland and the rest of the world.

Through the medium of this video and as a result of my relationship with director Mark William Logan I felt ready to embrace all of the trauma within and without. Ancestral and personal, the trauma in the land from our history, trauma in the earth caused by abuse of our environment, trauma in the souls of those chewed up, cheated and disregarded by institutions and dogma.
I’ve never felt more whole,
I’ve never felt more in tune.
I’ve never felt more sane and insane as I did during the making of this video.

Altar Wine was a mind and body altering experience. One of healing, one of fearlessness and a project where every soul involved stepped into their true selves devoid of fear & shame.

All in the name of understanding
All in the name of awareness
All in the name of articulation.

Stream / Download Altar Wine now: orcd.co/AltarWine

Collective Dublin

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