Premier: Math Rock outfit NERVES return with storming new single reminiscent of ASIWYFA and SLYRYDES

Nerves first single of 2020 takes the energy and ferocity of their previous single “Glasshouse” and runs with it as far as it can take them.

The song starts with an unsettling plucked guitar melody before descending into a chaotic verse with pummeling guitars and bass and an unhinged vocal delivery.

From there the song transitions between heavy but danceable riffs, fast paced fuzzy choruses and a bridge section designed to make even the most stoic audience
members part the crowd in anticipation of the onslaught that is to come.

Time Trial is an attempt to bottle the energy that is released during one of the bands live shows, a fan favorite since its introduction to the set a year ago, which makes this a strange but fitting time for its
recorded release, considering the state of the live industry.

The song takes musical queues from the likes of Black Midi, Big Black, And So I Watch You From Afar and other Post-Rock / Math Rock groups.

The song was recorded at Windmill Lane by David Michael Smith, Daniel De Burca and Fionn Corrigan, and produced mainly at home during lockdown by David Michael Smith.

Math Rock act NERVES return with incredible first single of 2020

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