Track of the Day: Rising Irish Artist Amy Ellen serves up splendid new single

The Dublin artist is currently living in the French Alps on the shores of Lake Geneva.

As a fan of Green Day,Broken Social Scene, Soccer Mommy and Kurt Vile, Amy’s latest singles reflect those influences, merging jangly, gritty 90s slacker rock riffs with ethereal vocals.

With a busy summer of touring France and writing new material, the tracks indie production marks the change in Amy’s sound, bridging her polished pop rock releases with her new direction in songwriting.”I didn’t overthink this process and for the first time I was able to let go of my perfectionism.”

Unlike Amy’s previous singles, this song was written and recorded almost immediately, capturing her creativity in the comfort of her home studio. 

Her slanted melodies glide from intimate to anthemic soundscapes, dancing over a bed of undulating.

The indie production marks the change in Amy’s sound, bridging her polished pop rock releases with her new direction in songwriting.

“I didn’t overthink this process and for the first time I was able to let go of my perfectionism.”

Unlike Amy’s previous singles, this song was written and recorded almost immediately, capturing her current creativity in the comfort of her home studio.

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